
Board Interviews: Lindsay Wilson

Hey, it’s another in our series of board interviews! This time we’ll be talking to our youngest (and some would say most dynamic) board member, Lindsay Wilson!

Starting with an easy one again: favorite food.

Pulled pork sandwich. With french fries.

What drew you to this kind of work

Well my Aunt, Pastor Mary [of First United Methodist]—she’s my honorary aunt—told me about the Upper Room when I was getting my undergraduate degree in psychology. I had just taken a class on addiction and I was really excited to just dip my toe in and learn more.

What was the experience during that internship that really stuck with you?

Oof. Probably my first intake. You just learn so much about the guys and their experiences doing intake. You have to ask a lot of tough questions. They teach you in the psychological field to keep up a poker face and that was the first experience where I had to put that into action. It was tough.

I bet. So how did you then come to be on the board?

I started as an intern actually! I worked here while I was finishing my undergraduate degree.

Where do you see this work taking you?

I actually decided I want to go to grad school and get my masters in forensic psychology. Just working here, and working in the re-entry center, I really want to keep working with corrections and helping people coming out of incarceration.

What’s your favorite thing about this area?

I think this a really a  uniquely accepting city.

We’ll close out on some light stuff. Any hobbies?

Hobbies? Hmm. I like running.

Really, you like running?

Yeah, I like running, I like working out. As far as hobbies, not much.

Wow, impressive.

Thanks, Lindsay, for sitting down for this interview and for all that you do for our community!

For me, I really needed time away from my old environment. I needed a place where people are in recovery and are serious about their recovery, a place where I could fit in and give my newly-found recovery a solid foundation.


I’m finally getting better. I'm moving forward.


Life is so much better. I had no idea the sweet life I could have.


My alcoholism was so out of control and so was my life. I had a loss of trust with people who cared about me. It’s devastating. How do you regain that trust?


I came here because of word of mouth about Upper Room. I’ve known about God most of my life, but I did not KNOW God.


I've learned a lot about myself through this process. My character has changed. It's not easy, but with help, I know I can do it. It is God's will, not mine.


The disease is arrested, not destroyed. Each day you have to decide whether you’re going to live or die – because it will kill you.


When you’re in the midst of addiction, you’re also in the midst of loneliness and isolation. It’s hard to shake off. Your defense mechanisms are like a coat that you put on.
