The Short Version
URRC has been awarded a credit through the Neighborhood Assistance Program, and Indiana residents who give to support our sober living programs will get a state tax credit equal to half the value of your gift, up to our cap of $4,274.
We think it’s phenomenal that our home state is investing in the people and communities who need it most. Donate today!
What is NAP?
The Neighborhood Assistance Program (NAP), established by Indiana Code 6-3.1-9, offers $2.5 million in tax credits ($40,000 maximum per organization) annually for distribution by not-for-profit corporations. Organizations use NAP tax credits as an incentive to help them leverage more contributions from individuals and businesses for programs and services benefiting economically disadvantaged households or communities.
Organizations, corporations and individuals are each eligible to make a contribution* to a NAP agency. When they do, they will receive a tax credit on their Indiana taxes worth 50% of their contribution.
For example: If an individual contributes $1,000 they will receive a $500 Indiana tax credit.
Donations are reported to the Indiana Department of Revenue (IDOR) and a credit is given to the donor’s state tax liability.